Partnering with sustainability leaders at Dapto High.
As one of the leading sustainable high schools in NSW, Dapto High School was the ideal location to put Hivve’s next-generation modular classroom to the test during a 12-month trial. The school was known for searing temperatures exceeding 39° in summer and equally high energy bills. So Hivve undertook a pilot program funded by Hivve and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).
Installed in January 2018 for use by Agriculture Science and Maths students, it was Hivve’s first modular classroom powered by solar energy with a Hivve iQ monitoring and control system and a Tesla Powerwall battery. Designed to create the best learning and environmental outcomes, the classroom incorporates advanced temperature and fresh air management while generating extra energy for the school.
“We’re delighted with the results of this trial,” beamed David Wrench, Executive Director of Hivve. “After six months the Hivve data has shown the Hivve Power System is powering six other classrooms.”
“This remarkable, highly-insulated portable building has 8+KWh capacity on the roof. It heats and lights itself, monitors CO2 and dust particles, and exports power to the rest of the School,” said Principal Andrew FitzSimons. After the success of this trial, David Wrench believes “Hivve technology is the secret to powering the classrooms of the future.”