A special classroom at Dapto High School for special needs.
Dapto High School needed a classroom for their Wollemi Unit tailored to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. So principle Andrew Fitzsimons contacted Hivve. “We had already successfully piloted an innovative Hivve modular classroom in 2018, it was my view that a Hivve classroom would be the ideal learning environment for children with special needs.” The deadline was also a factor as the classroom was needed in time for the 2019 school year.
Working closely with School Infrastructure NSW and teachers from Dapto High School Wollemi Unit, Hivve built a classroom which incorporated modifications to suit the students’ unique needs. “Our design incorporated many of the proven Hivve features—high ceilings, abundant natural light, excellent acoustic qualities, natural and warm finishes, and large covered decks,” said David Wrench, Executive Director of Hivve.
The classroom is also 100% energy self-sufficient, thanks to a Hivve 5.1kW solar PV system with a Tesla power wall. This supplies all the classroom’s electricity needs including air conditioning, avoiding the high cost of connection to the electricity grid. “The off-grid solution was based on our experience with Australia’s first off-grid Hivve classroom in Brisbane, which has been operating successfully since mid 2018,” David Wrench added.
Hivve iQ puts control in teachers’ hands, allowing them to monitor and manage indoor comfort levels and air quality to maintain the optimum learning environment.
Best of all, the classroom contributes to a productive and fulfilling school life, while allowing students to experience the power of renewable energy first hand.